Kuen-Phon Wu, PhD
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Academia Sinica
Kuen-Phon Wu, PhD
Associate Research Fellow,
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 115
Tel: +886-2-27855696 # 5070
Email: kpwu@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Web: https://kpwulab.com
Academic Positions:
2024.4 – present Associate Research Fellow,
Institute of Biological Chemistry,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2019.8 – present Joint Appointed Assistant Professor,
Institute of Biochemical Sciences,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2018.11 – 2024.3 Assistant Research Fellow,
Institute of Biological Chemistry,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2017.8 – 2018.10 MOST-awarded assistant research scholar Institute of Biological Chemistry,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2012.3 – 2017.7 Post-doctoral fellow Department of Structural Biology,
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
2010.8 – 2012.2 Post-doctoral fellow Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ
Research Interests and expertise:
Post-translational ubiquitination, Biophysics, Drug discovery, Biochemistry, Structural Biology,
Protein folding and misfolding, Protein NMR spectroscopy
Ph.D., Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ (2010 January)
M.Sc., Dept. of Life Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2002 June)
B.Sc., Dept. of Life Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2000 June)
Popular science presentation/article:
1. 中研院訊漫步科研(AS newsletter): 淺談蛋白質的設計與應用, 2023 August
2. 國科會自然處《化學圖書服務計畫》112 年 1 月號電子報
Honors, Awards and Scholarships:
● Academia Sinica Career Development Award (2021-2025)
● MOST-awarded assistant research scholar (延攬海外⼈才計畫) (2017-2020)
● Young Investigator Award (May, 2016), the 21st Biophysics conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan
● Graduate Student Excellence Awards (June 2009), Dept. Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers
● Dr. Stanley and Francine Mandeles Graduate Research Award for outstanding research contributions to
biophysical chemistry (April 2009), Center for Molecular Biophysics & Biophysical Chemistry, Rutgers
● Outstanding student poster award (August 2008), Division of Physical Chemistry, 236th ACS national
meeting in Philadelphia
● NIH Interdisciplinary Research Workforce fellowship (2007-2008)
Selected research publications (*:corresponding):
1. What Strengthens Protein-Protein Interactions: Analysis and Applications of Residue Correlation Networks Hung TI# , Hsieh Y-J# , Lu W-L, Wu K-P*, Chang CA*
Journal of Molecular Biology (2023) Dec 15;435(24):168337
2. PAICS ubiquitination recruits UBAP2 to trigger liquid-liquid phase separation for purinosome assembly
Chou M-C, Wang Y-H, Chen F-Y, Kung C-Y, Wu K-P, Kuo J-C, Chan S-J, Cheng M-L, Chou Y-C, Firestine S,
Huang J-R, Chen R-H
Molecular Cell (2023) Nov 16;83(22):4123-4140.e12
3. PTPN23 ubiquitination by WDR4 suppresses EGFR and c-MET degradation to define a lung cancer
therapeutic target
Singh S, Yeat YN, Wang Y-T, Lin S-Y, Kuo I-Y, Wu K-P, Wang W-J, Wang W-C, Su W-C, Wang Y-C, Chen R-
Cell Death & Disease (2023) Oct 11;14(10):671
4. Structural basis of transcriptional activation by the OmpR/PhoB-family response regulator PmrA
Lou Y-C*, Huang H-Y, Yeh H-H, Chiang W-H, Chen C*, Wu K-P*
Nucleic Acids Research (2023) Oct 13;51(18):10049-10058
5. Robust design of effective allosteric activators for Rsp5 E3 ligase using the machine-learning tool
Kao H-W, Lu W-L, Ho M-R, Lin Y-F, Hsieh Y-J, Ko K-P, Hsu S-T D, Wu K-P*
ACS Synthetic Biology (2023) Aug 18;12(8):2310-2319
6. TRABID inhibition activates cGAS/STING-mediated anti-tumor immunity through mitosis and autophagy
Chen Y-H, Chen H-H, Wang W-J, Chen H-Y, Huang W-S, Kao C-H, Lee S-R, Yeat YN, Yan RL, Chang S-J,
Wu K-P, Chen R-H*
Nature Communications (2023) May 26;14(1):3050
7. Cryo-EM reveals the structure and dynamics of a 723-residue malate synthase G
Ho M-R# , Wu Y-M# , Lu Y-C# , Ko T-P, Wu K-P*
Journal of Structural Biology (2023) Jun;215(2):107958,
8. 2.2 Å Cryo-EM Tetra-Protofilament Structure of the Hamster Prion 108-144 Fibril Reveals an Ordered
Water Channel in the Center.
Chen EH# , Kao H-W# , Lee CH# , Huang J Y-C, Wu K-P*, Chen RP*
J Am Chem Soc. 2022 Jul 20;144(30):13888-13894.
Highlighted in the 2023 January eNews provided by the NSTC Natural Science Library Service
9. Structural basis for the helical filament formation of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase.
Huang P-C, Chen S-K, Chiang W-H, Ho M-R, Wu K-P*
Protein Sci. 2022 May;31(5):e4304.
10. Tumor suppressor BAP1 nuclear import is governed by transportin-1.
Yang T-J, Li T-N, Huang R-S, Pan M-Y, Lin S-Y, Lin S, Wu K-P, Wang L-H, Hsu S-T D.
J Cell Biol. 2022 Jun 6;221(6):e202201094.
11. Identification of disease-linked hyperactivating mutations in UBE3A through large-scale functional variant
Weston KP, Gao X, Zhao J, Kim KS, Maloney SE, Gotoff J, Parikh S, Leu Y-C, Wu K-P, Shinawi M, Steimel
JP, Harrison JS, Yi JJ.
Nature Communications. 2021 Nov 23;12(1):6809.
12. Direct Visualization of a 26 kDa Protein by Cryo-Electron Microscopy Aided by a Small Scaffold Protein
Chiu Y-H, Ko K-T, Yang T-J, Wu K-P, Ho M-R, Draczkowski P, Hsu S-T D.
Biochemistry. 2021 Apr 13;60(14):1075-1079
13. VPS34 K29/K48 branched ubiquitination governed by UBE3C and TRABID regulates autophagy,
proteostasis and liver metabolism
Chen Y-H, Huang T-Y, Lin Y-T, Lin S-Y, Li W-H, Hsiao H-J, Yan R-L, Tang H-W, Shen Z-Q, Chen G-C, Wu
K-P, Tsai T-F, Chen R-H.
Nature Communications 2021, 12, 1322
14. Insights into Dynamics of Inhibitor and Ubiquitin-Like Protein Binding in SARS-CoV-2 PapainLike
Bosken YK, Cholko T, Lou Y-C, Wu K-P, Chang C-A A.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, (2020), 7, 174
15. Cryo-EM analysis of a feline coronavirus spike protein reveals a unique structure and camouflaging
Yang TJ, Chang YC, Ko TP, Draczkowski P, Chien YC, Chang YC, Wu K-P, Khoo KH, Chang HW, Hsu S-T D.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2020),117,1438-1446
16. Insights into links between autophagy and the ubiquitin system from the structure of LC3B bound to the
LIR motif from the E3 ligase NEDD4
Qiu Y, Zheng Y, Wu K-P, Schulman BA.
Protein Science (2017),26 (8), 1674
17. Deubiqutinase activity is required for the proteasomal degradation of misfolded cytosolic proteins upon
Fang NN, Zhu M, Rose A, Wu K-P, Mayor T.
Nature Communications, (2016), 7, 12907
18. Dual RING E3 Architectures Regulate Multiubiquitination and Ubiquitin Chain Elongation by APC/C.
Brown NG, VanderLinden R, Watson ER, Weissmann F, Ordureau A, Wu K-P, Zhang W, Yu S, Mercredi PY,
Harrison JS, Davidson IF, Qiao R, Lu Y, Dube P, Brunner MR, Grace CRR, Miller DJ, Haselbach D, Jarvis
MA, Yamaguchi M, Yanishevski D, Petzold G, Sidhu SS, Kuhlman B, Kirschner MW, Harper JW, Peters J-
M, Stark H, Schulman BA.
Cell, (2016), 165, 1440-1453
19. A cascading activity-based probe sequentially targets E1–E2–E3 ubiquitin enzymes Mulder MPC, Witting
K, Pruneda JN, Berlin I, Wu K-P, Merkx R, Neefjes J, Schulman BA, Komander D, Oualid FE, Ovaa H.
Nature Chemical Biology, (2016), 12, 523-530
20. System-wide modulation of HECT E3 ligases with selective ubiquitin variant probes.
Zhang W*, Wu K-P*, Sartori M, Kamadurai HB, Ordureau A, Jiang C, Mercredi PY, Murchie R, Hu J,
Persaud A, Mukherjee M, Li N, Doye A, Walker JR, Sheng Y, Hao Z, Li Y, Brown KB, Lemichez E, Chen J,
Tong Y, Harper JW, Rotin D, Moffat J, Schulman BA, Sidhu SS.
Molecular Cell. (2016), 62, 121-136. *: Equally contributed authors
21. Unveiling transient protein-protein interactions that modulate inhibition of alpha-synuclein aggregation
by beta-synuclein, a pre-synaptic protein that co-localizes with alpha-synuclein Janowska M, Wu K-P, Baum
J. Scientific Reports. (2015), 5, 15164
22. Fast hydrogen exchange affects 15N relaxation measurement in intrinsically disordered protein.
Kim S, Wu K-P, Baum J.
J Biomol NMR. (2013), 55, 249-256
23. Segmental isotope labeling of proteins for NMR structural study using a protein S tag for higher
expression and solubility.
Kobayashi H, Swapna GV, Wu K-P, Afinogenova Y, Conover K, Mao B, Montelione GT, Inouye M J.
Biomol. NMR (2012), 52, 303-313
24. The A53T mutation is key in defining the differences in the aggregation kinetics of human and mouse
Kang L, Wu K-P, Vendruscolo M, Baum J.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2011), 133, 13465-13470
25. Detection of transient interchain interactions in the intrinsically disordered protein alphasynuclein by
NMR paramagnetic relaxation enhancement.
Wu K-P and Baum J.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2010), 132, 5546-5547.
26. Structural reorganization of alpha-synuclein at low pH observed by NMR and REMD simulation.
Wu K-P, Weinstock DS, Narayanan C, Levy RM, Baum J.
J. Mol. Biol. (2009), 391, 784-796
27. Characterization of conformational ensemble of natively unfolded human and mouse alphasynuclein:
implication for aggregation.
Wu K-P, Kim S, Fela DA, Baum J.
J. Mol. Biol. (2008), 378, 1104-1115
28. Distinguishing among structural ensembles of the GB1 peptide: REMD simulations and NMR
Weinstock DS, Narayanan C, Felts AK, Andrec M, Levy RM, Wu K-P, Baum J.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2007), 129, 4858-4859
29. Novel solution structure of porcine beta-microseminoprotein.
Wang I, Lou YC, Wu K-P, Wu SH, Chang WC, Chen C.
J. Mol. Biol. (2005), 346, 1071-1082
30. Structural basis of a Flavivirus recognized by its neutralizing antibody: Solution structure of the domain
III of the Japanese Encephalitis virus envelope protein.
Wu K-P, Wu CW, Tsao YP, Kuo TW, Lou YC, Lin CW, Wu SC, Cheng JW.
J. Biol. Chem. (2003), 278, 46007-46013