Principle and Application of hybrid PET/MRI

時間地點:02:00 pm, Dec 26 (Wed), 2018; R1-B1122 Conference Room

研討講者:Tiffany Ting-Fang Shih, M.D. 施庭芳

December 06, 2018


Hybrid PET/MR scanners are innovative imaging devices that acquire and fuse anatomical and functional data from magnetic resonance (MR), with metabolic information from positron emission tomography (PET). Integrated PET/MR scanners have the potential to greatly impact on medical research and patient management posing the most solid bases for a truly personalized imaging and then push forward the personalized medicine.

PET/MR performance is hampered by several factors and especially by motion artifacts and magnetic susceptibility artifacts that can degrade the quality of the images. In our clinical PET/MR practice, the PET/MR protocols were aimed to produce consistently high quality studies, to easy comparison at follow ups, and to reduce inter-operator variability in protocol scheduling in the case of difficult clinical questions. Fluoro 18- FDG is our main radioisotope for all body applications except for prostate adenocarcinomas where we prefer Fluoro-Choline (FCh) or PSMA; and Glutamate for pancreatic cancer.

PET/MR couples the advantages and PET/MR is not just another version of PET/CT; not only differences from the attenuation correction (AC) of PET would be different from CT (CT AC) and MR (MR AC); but also the total difference characters of MR. The non-contrast CT derived from PET/CT was usually used for co-registration only; but the non-contrast MR could provide many different data by using different pulse sequences, such as diffusion weighted image, ADC value (diffusion coefficient), MR spectroscope, T1 and T2 values and maps, texture analysis from both PET and MRI.

Furthermore, the role pf PET/MR would be more important in the near future. Not only the image hybrid, but also the “Hybrid Biomarker” from PET/MRI, such as MTV/ADCmin and/or SUVmax/Ktrans ratio, could play an important role as imaging biomarker of Precision Imaging. When we face the coming geriatric society and up-rising neurodegenerative and oncological population, we do need a precise image modality to examine human body; it is important for better compliance and one –stop examination, but also forPrecision Imaging” leading to ear of “Precision Medicine”.


Tiffany Ting-Fang Shih, M.D. 施庭芳

Professor, Department of Radiology & Medical Imaging

National Taiwan University Medical College and Hospital


    名: 施庭芳 Tiffany Ting-Fang Shih

聯絡地址: 台大醫院影像醫學部 / 100 台北市中山南路七號

聯絡電話: (02) 2312-3456 ext.65568 / 0972-651-125



二、 主要學歷  

國立台灣大學  中華民國  醫學系  學士                   1977/09 1984/06

三、 現職及相關經歷 


台大醫學院 放射線科 教授                                    2004 ~ 迄今

台大醫院 影像醫學部 主治醫師                                1988 ~ 迄今   


台北市立聯合醫院     總院區       策略長                     2017 ~ 2018

台北市立聯合醫院     總院區       副策略長                   2016 ~ 2017     

台北市立聯合醫院     影像醫學部   部主任                     2016 ~ 2018

台大醫學院           放射線科     主任                       2008 ~ 2014

台大醫院             影像醫學部   主任                       2008 ~ 2014

台大醫院             影像醫學部   副主任                     2002 ~ 2008

台大醫學院           放射線科     副教授                     1996 ~ 2004

台大醫院             影像醫學部   骨骼肌肉影像診斷科主任     1995 ~ 2008

台大醫學院           放射線科     講師                       1994 ~ 1996

台大醫學院           放射線科     兼任講師                   1989 ~ 1994


磯分校醫學中心       放射線科     放射線學臨床指導員         1989 ~ 1990

台大醫院             放射線科     總醫師                     1987 ~ 1988

台大醫院             放射線科     住院醫師                   1985 ~ 1987 


1. 核磁共振影像學  2. 磁振正子影像學  3. 腫瘤影像學  4. 骨骼肌肉放射線學